pink sun set with train


Norfolk Southern’s Industrial Development team has been working with companies and communities since 1894 to identify and develop rail-served sites across the Eastern United States.  Our capabilities have evolved over the years, but our commitment to customer-focused, confidential site location and planning has been the ballast of Norfolk Southern’s economic development efforts from the start.


Industrial Development

We have industrial development managers and technical experts throughout our 22-state service area to ensure your site location and track construction needs will always be supported promptly by someone in that area.

Norfolk Southern employees sitting at a table looking at industrial development sites on a tv

Site Planning Experts

With expertise in industrial site planning and conceptual track design, our engineers will quickly evaluate site development and track infrastructure solutions tailored to the rail needs of your facility.

Conceptual Site Plan

Our Industrial Development Managers can recommend appropriate sites for your new rail-served facility, based on your unique supply chain and site development requirements.


All requests for new Industry tracks should be directed to the appropriate Norfolk Southern Industrial Development Manager. The intent of these specifications is to provide Industry desiring rail service from Norfolk Southern.

Download NS Standards for Industry Track