NS Hazmat & Safety


The Norfolk Southern team provides a variety of emergency response training options.  Our Hazmat Staff are strategically located across our 22 state network and are able to come to local location to provide railroad emergency response training.  Our staff works with local emergency agencies to identify their training needs and together will develop a training plan.  Training could can be basic rail safety/response, more advanced rail hazmat specific training or tabletop and full scale exercises.  Norfolk Southern has excellent training equipment like the safety train which moves across the NS network  and tank car training trailers that can be used for on-site training at fire department facilities.

Interested in Training?

If you are an emergency responder (including: fire department, law enforcement, emergency medical services, hazmat response team, emergency management personnel, military, homeland security personnel, shippers, and customers) and are interested in training, please contact us by completing the below training request form. Please review our FREE training options below.


Operation Awareness & Response




2025 Safety Train Event Locations

The Safety Train provides excellent hands-on training with working locomotives, tank cars, and service equipment.  Norfolk Southern strives to provide highest quality training to as many first responders as possible.  Before is information on this year's Safety Train events.  If you can't make it to one of this year's events then don't worry.  Our Hazmat staff picks new locations each year to ensure its more accessible to all departments along our network.

Norfolk, VA | 3/24/25

Charlotte, NC | 4/7/24

Augusta, GA | 4/21/25

Hunstville, AL | 5/5/25

Hagerstown, MD | 5/19/25

Download Coming Soon

Mt. Vernon, IL | 5/20/25

Download Coming Soon

Somerset County, NJ | 6/9/25

Download Coming Soon

Erie, PA | 6/23/25

Download Coming Soon

Coneaut, OH | 6/23/25

Download Coming Soon

Macedonia, OH | 7/14/25

Download Coming Soon

Danville, KY | 7/28/25

Champaign, IL | 8/11/25

Download Coming Soon

Argos, IN | 8/25/25

Columbus, GA | 9/8/25

Download Coming Soon

Savannah, GA | 9/22/25

Download Coming Soon

Knoxville, TN | 10/6/25

Download Coming Soon

Tri-City Area, TN | 10/13/25

Harrisonburg, VA | 10/27/25

Download Coming Soon

NS Safety Train



Location , Dates, & Brochure Download

Norfolk, VA


Charlotte, NC


Augusta, GA


Huntsville, AL


Hagerstown, MD


Download Coming Soon

Mt. Vernon, IL


Download Coming Soon

Somerset County, NJ


Download Coming Soon

Erie, PA & Coneaut, OH


Download Coming Soon

Macedonia, OH


Download Coming Soon

Danville, KY


Champaign, IL


Download Coming Soon

Argos, IN


Columbus, GA


Download Coming Soon

Savannah, GA


Download Coming Soon

Knoxville, TN


Download Coming Soon

Tri-City Area, TN


Harrisonburg, VA


Download Coming Soon





First Responders Trained in 2024


First Responders Trained in 2023


First Responders Trained in 2022

In April 2016, Norfolk Southern put a dedicated safety train in service with a locomotive, 2 box car classrooms, 4 tank cars, and 2 specially equipped flat cars. This train moves to various locations on Norfolk Southern, offering emergency responders along our routes, hands-on training with the type of car the industry uses to transport hazardous material, including lessons on tank car safety features:


Safety on Railroad Property, Rail Shipping Documents , Rail Equipment Identification, Rail Tank Cars, Locomotive Fires, Flammable Liquid Unit Trains, Incident Response Procedures, Working with Railroad Officials, and the AskRail Mobile App


For more info on the training opportunities available at SERTC click the following link:



FRA Law Enforcement/First Responders Video Training Resources

The Federal Railroad Administration has developed multiple videos providing training for law enforcement, emergency responders, and emergency dispatchers. These videos cover topics such as: rail safety, crossing accident investigation, locomotive crew rescue, using the emergency notification system, and many other railroad emergency topics.





Transportation Rail Incident Preparedness and Response (TRIPR) -  PHMSA Training Program

The Transportation Rail Incident Preparedness and Response, Flammable Liquid Unit Trains resource materials were developed to provide critical information on best practices related to rail incidents involving hazard class 3 flammable liquids, such as crude oil and ethanol.  A key component of this initiative is to learn from past experiences and to leverage the expertise of public safety agencies, rail carriers, and industry subject matter experts in order to prepare first responders to safely manage incidents involving flammable liquid unit trains.

These training resources offer a flexible approach to training the first responders and emergency services personnel in pre-incident planning and response. Each module contains a PowerPoint presentation, Student Workbook, and Instructor Lesson Plan. In addition to these materials, there are three interactive scenarios with animation and introduction videos to help instructors lead tabletop discussions. Click on the link below to download the TRIPR materials.


TRIPR Fact Sheet



AAR-API Crude Oil Training

The Association of American Railroads (AAR) and the American Petroleum Institute (API) and the member companies of both organizations have worked to create a safety awareness course for first responders. The course is meant to provide some of the information first responders need to know before approaching an incident involving crude oil moved by rail. While crude oil is a flammable liquid and should be treated as such during a response, the growth in crude oil by rail has raised concerns about how first responders can be better prepared if an incident occurs. This program seeks to assist in preparation by describing the characteristics of crude oil and the rail cars it is shipped in, the RECEOS strategies that should be considered if crude oil is present, spill response and firefighting considerations, and the need for structured incident management.  This course has been designed for first responders with basic fighting training and is offered free of charge.



Chemical Tour

There are many resources available for chlorine emergency response training. Presentation topics include: chlorine properties and emergency response; chlorine tank cars and rail safety; and the proper use of Emergency Kits A, B and C to mitigate leaks from chlorine cylinders, ton containers and tank car valves.


Click here learn about the Chlorine Safety Training Tour.



Anhydrous Ammonia Training Tour

With Anhydrous Ammonia being a large part of American agricultural, manufacturing, commercial, and transportation industries and incidents occurring in the past across the United States, there is a possibility that at some point a large ammonia incident may occur. TRANSCAER® has created a high-quality training program that will help prevent and or mitigate such an incident for emergency responders in communities where anhydrous ammonia is manufactured, stored, shipped, transported, or used in high volume quantities. All the materials were developed by our team of seasoned experts from across various industries.


Click here to learn about the Anhydrous Ammonia Safety Training Tour.



Ethanol Training

To enhance the knowledge, capability and readiness of operational emergency response agencies to effectively respond to fires, spills and other emergencies involving ethanol and ethanol blended fuels, the Ethanol Emergency Response Coalition has developed educational materials, training programs and other products for emergency responders that will improve their knowledge of and ability to respond to emergencies involving ethanol and ethanol blended fuels, and allow them to make informed decisions regarding capability based on community risk and other factors.


Click here to learn about the Ethanol Emergency Response Coalition resources.

East Palestine

The new regional safety training center in East Palestine, Ohio will provide ongoing, free training for first responders from Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and the greater region.

East Palestine



The AskRail app is a collaborative effort among the emergency response community and all North American Class I railroads. The app provides first responders with immediate access to accurate, timely data about what type of hazardous materials a railcar is carrying so they can make an informed decision about how to respond to a rail emergency.


Download and register for AskRail now so you are prepared to respond to a rail incident in your area.

Electric Vehicle Rescue App

Pre-Plan for the next EV Incident using North America's largest database of Emergency Response Guides for Alternative Fuel Vehicles. It's not a matter of if, but when.

Firefighters can efficiently strategize their approach to cooling electric vehicle fires and executing rescue operations, ensuring both responder safety and effective incident management for electric vehicles.

Police departments can utilize the EV Rescue app to swiftly ascertain critical safety protocols and disable procedures for electric vehicles during traffic incidents, enhancing roadside safety and response effectiveness.

FRA Railroad Crossing Locator

The Crossing Locator was developed by the Federal Railroad Administration to provide users with access to the highway-rail grade crossing database and map features from a mobile device. The tool allows users to locate crossings by USDOT Crossing ID, address or geo-location; access inventory records submitted by states and railroads; and view accident history. Users can also select from multiple base map features and identify railroad crossings by special characteristics.


The information accessed in the mobile application is derived from the Safety Data website using information submitted by States and Railroads. While this is an effective tool, please use the ENS information and contact number during an emergency situation. The Crossing Locator App is currently available for Apple and Android Devices.

NIOSH Pocket Guide App

The NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards Native Application (mNPG) is a useful resource for workers, employers, and occupational safety and health professionals. The mNPG is a database of workplace chemical information including exposure limits, chemical/physical properties, personal protective equipment, respirators, and first aid. The mNPG is customizable and easy to use.

The mNPG Features:

  • Search by chemical name, trade name or synonym, DOT number and CAS number
  • Save chemical records as favorites for later useCustomize how you view chemical data
  • Review chemical records for physical properties, health hazards, first aid, respirator and personal protective equipment recommendations and regulatory information

Emergency Response Guidebook

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) has released a free, mobile app of its Emergency Response Guidebook 2024 (ERG). The ERG 2024 Mobile App was developed in partnership with the National Library of Medicine.  The mobile ERG will make it easier for the nation’s emergency first responders to quickly locate the information they need to manage hazardous material transportation incidents. The updated 2024 version of the ERG includes new Initial Isolation and Protective Action Distance tables for large toxic gas spills and standard response procedures for gas and liquid pipeline incidents


NFPA’s HAZMAT FLIC app provides the on-scene incident commander with pertinent guidance materials for managing emergency responses for high hazard flammable train and liquid petroleum pipeline emergencies.


Two Fire Protection Research Foundation reports: (1) “Liquid Petroleum Pipeline Emergencies (LPPE) On-Scene Incident Commander Field Guide”; and (2) “High Hazard Flammable Trains (HHFT) On-Scene Incident Commander Field Guide”

  • Each guide provides the incident commander with tactical guidance and information for managing an emergency, including the application and use of risk-based response methodology.
  • A multi-tiered size-up checklist that includes steps for incident management, problem identification, hazard assessment/risk evaluation, PPE selection, logistics resource management, post-emergency response operations, and spill control and fire control operations
  • A collection of additional resources that includes links to incident reports, emergency numbers for rail lines, and links for additional train-specific and pipeline-specific information

U.S. Coast Guard MIMH

The United States Coast Guard (USCG) Incident Management Handbook Mobile App (MIMH) is an electronic enhancement to the paper or electronic versions of the USCG Incident Management Handbook (IMH).

The USCG MIMH is an interactive job aid and quick reference resource for Coast Guard and other first responders for use during incident response operations. This application (App) has been designed for use in locations outside of cellular and internet coverage, thus it does not require connectivity to use the majority of its features. This App is not designed to replace the paper version USCG IMH.

DOT Chart 17

PHMSA’s DOT Chart 17 displays the markings, labeling and placarding (in full-color) required by the Hazardous Materials Regulations, Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations.

Note that this application is intended for general guidance only and should not be used to determine compliance with 49 CFR, Parts 100-185.

CAMEO Chemicals

CAMEO Chemicals is a database of hazardous chemical datasheets that emergency responders and planners can use to get response recommendations and predict hazards (such as explosions or toxic fumes). This app runs offline.

Dupont Safespec

Now available on mobile devices and tablets, you can make informed decisions on your chemical protective apparel choices from anywhere. DuPont™ SafeSPEC™ Mobile features exclusive dynamic interactive tools, product images, technical data, product features and benefits – all on your mobile device, so you’ll have instant access wherever you are.

Kappler HazMatch

HazMatch® is an easy-to-use protective apparel selection tool from Kappler that allows a user to choose an appropriate safety garment based on a specific chemical hazard and the exposure scenario. HazMatch also allows a user to save search results to document a Hazard Assessment procedure, which satisfies OSHA requirements for this important procedure.

NS HazMat Traffic Request Form

Data on the common types of hazardous materials being transported through local communities are useful for local emergency planners in developing effective and realistic emergency response plans. To request information specific to your jurisdiction send an email request to NS at HMTraffic@nscorp.com. The request must include a written request on official department letterhead and the completed NS HazMat Traffic Form Request.

AAR Field Guide To Tank Cars

Field Guide to Tank Cars is intended to be used by emergency responders and others involved with railroad tank cars.  It provides information on the types, safety systems, stenciling, and markings of tank cars utilized to transport regulated (hazardous materials/dangerous goods) and non-regulated commodities.

PHMSA - Commodity Preparedness and Incident Management Reference Sheet – Petroleum Crude Oil

Developed in conjunction with experts from the hazmat emergency response community, railroads and industry, this document provides emergency response organizations with a standard incident management framework based on pre-incident planning and preparedness principles and best practices. The reference sheet covers transportation safety and precautions, hazard assessment and risk, rail safety procedures, logistics, and the tools, equipment and resources necessary to prepare for and respond to crude oil rail transportation incidents.

PHMSA - Lessons Learned Report on Crude Oil by Rail Emergency Response

In May 2014, in conjunction with the Virginia Department of Fire Programs, PHMSA hosted a “Lessons Learned” Roundtable forum that consisted of a panel of fire chiefs and emergency management officials from some of the jurisdictions that experienced a crude oil or ethanol rail transportation incident. The purpose of this forum was to share firsthand knowledge about their experiences responding to and managing these significant rail incidents.

NFPA / Fire Protection Research Foundation – High Hazard Flammable Trains (HHFT) On-Scene Incident Commander Field Guide

This Guide (July 2016) provides tactical guidance and information for the On-Scene Incident Commander responsible for the management of bulk flammable liquid emergencies involving High Hazard Flammable Trains (HHFT), with a focus upon petroleum crude oil and ethanol. The application and use of a risk-based response (RBR) methodology for both planning and response purposes are critical success factors in the successful management of a HHFT incident.

Chronology of DOT Actions on Safe Transportation of Flammable Liquids By Rail

PHMSA and FRA are committed to immediate and long-term solutions to prevent derailments involving flammable liquids and, in the event of a derailment, the consequences such an incident could have on individuals and communities. The PHMSA/FRA action plan includes unannounced spot inspections, sampling, and monitoring the movement and classification of crude oil within and out of oil fields throughout the U.S. In addition, we are engaging all stakeholders involved in shipping crude oil and other flammable liquids by rail to find common solutions to operational issues.

Tank Car Damage Assessment Best Practices

AAR Emergency Action Guides

The purpose of the Emergency Action Guides are to provide accurate information about the hazardous commodities most frequently carried in bulk by rail transport. The guides provide data for 268 commodities representing about 98% by volume of hazmat carried by rail in a downloadable and printable format.


Norfolk Southern
Norfolk Southern Emergency Contact
BNSF Railway
BNSF Railway
Canadian National
Canadian National


ChemTel Inc.
ChemTel Inc.
Military Shipments
Military Shipments
3E Company
3E Company


Canadian Contact Emergency Numbers
Mexican Contact Emergency Numbers