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(800) 453-2530

The Norfolk Southern (NS) Public Projects team within our Engineering Department is involved when other parties, including government agencies and local businesses, propose projects that affect railroad property and/or operations. These public improvement projects could include work by the project sponsor that affects bridges going over or under the railroad, roadways in proximity to the railroad right of way, or any other project that could affect or interrupt railroad property or operations.
NS places the highest priority on safety of its employees and the public. In evaluating projects, the company carefully considers the proposals, including potential for adverse effect on customer service, compensation for use of railroad property, and risk to railroad operations. Accurate and timely communication of information between the project sponsor and NS improves planning, relationships, and successful completion of projects.
Engineers within the Public Project group are the initial contacts for NS and are assigned territories by state. Project sponsors should contact the appropriate engineer directly to initiate discussions about a proposed public project. General engineering consultants provide administrative and engineering services to assist NS in managing public projects and also may communicate with the project sponsor.
The Public Projects Download Manual provides guidance, processes, and other information and contacts for the project sponsor to get their project underway. The types of Public Projects covered in the Manual include:
- Bridges Over NS: Construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, repair, removal, and maintenance of bridges over the railroad by third parties. (Note that bridge inspections, including drone inspections, that do not involve work on the bridge are handled through the Non-Environmental Right of Entry process.)
- Bridges Carrying NS: Construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, repair, removal, and maintenance of bridges carrying the railroad over highways and other public properties initiated by third parties.
- Parallel Roads/Facilities: Construction, reconstruction, modification, removal, and maintenance of parallel roads or other public facilities affecting NS property or operations.
- Public highway-rail grade crossing: Closures, removals, installations, and alterations of public grade crossings involving both surface changes and crossing protection. (Note that grade crossing projects involving only active crossing protection, without surface changes, are handled by the NS Administrator Grade Crossing Program.)
- Beautification: Modification of NS structures involving structural aesthetic work or intrusive painting. (Note that non-intrusive mural painting is handled through the Non-Environmental Right of Entry process.)
- Landscaping: Non-structural modifications to land on, adjacent to, or impacting NS right of way.
- Other Projects Involving NS Rail Corridors: Publicly or privately sponsored projects involving or altering NS facilities or property, including drainage improvements, retaining walls, grading, flood mitigation, or other activities that involve modification to NS right of way or property. (Access to NS property solely associated with project design is handled through the Non-Environmental Right of Entry process.)
Various other third-party projects, including the following common examples, are not coordinated through the Public Projects team and information can be found elsewhere on the NS website.
- Utilities: Utility relocation, whether or not part of a public project, is handled through the pipe & wire permitting process.
- Quiet Zones: Information on implementing quiet zones can be found here.
- PPP Grants: Public-private partnership grant requests and information can be found here.
- Community Events: Community event requests can be found here.
- Private Crossings: Requests for projects solely involving a private crossing, whether existing or new, should be directed to privatexing@nscorp.com.
- Resurfacing: Projects that involve only resurfacing of pavement approaches to the railroad crossing surface, without changing the footprint of existing roadways, are handled through the Non-Environmental Right of Entry process.
If you have questions of whether your project is considered a public project or subject to one of the other NS project processes, please contact the engineer named in the contacts section.
The project sponsor should first review the types of public projects to determine the appropriate process for the proposed project or activity. Public project proposals that may affect or be near the NS right-of-way must be evaluated in advance by NS to ensure the safety of the public and NS employees, maintain timely rail service to NS customers, and protect NS property and operations.
To get things started, the project sponsor should collaborate with NS during the initial design phase to identify issues related to safety, engineering, customer service, operations, legal and regulatory matters, expense, risk, future needs, and other considerations specific to any proposed public project.
The first step to get started with the public project review process is to contact the appropriate Public Project Engineer and submit a proposed conceptual design or scope of work. Download the Public Project Manual contains further information and process, along with information on how the project sponsor will reimburse NS. Download the Public Project Manual includes details on the processes and specifications for public projects, and includes form agreements, all to help you have a successful project with us.
NOTE: The Public Project Manual may be changed from time to time.
Our team of engineers is ready to work with you to get your project started.