Tariff Update NS 8001 & NS 8002, Effective 05.01.2024


Effective May 1, 2024, Norfolk Southern (NS) will be making changes to the following tariffs:

  • Switching and Absorption Rules and Charges Tariff NS 8001-A
  • Accessorial Service Rules and Charges Tariff NS 8002-A


Below is a brief description of the changes to the tariffs.


NS 8001-A, Switching and Absorption Rules and Charges:

  • Reformatting of Section 4 &5 – ADD secondary document listing industries open to switching
  • Item 4105 – INCREASE BNSF switch charge to $620.00
  • Item 4560 – INCREASE BNSF switch charge to $365.00


NS 8002-A, Accessorial Services Rules and Charges:

  • Item 6025 – Non-Compliant Privately-Owned or Shipper-Supplied DOT or TC Specification Tank Cars.  INCREASE charge to $4,000
  • Item 6515 – Cars Found to be Leaking Hazardous Materials. INCREASE charge to $6,000
  • Item 6517 – Cars Found to be Leaking Non-Hazardous Materials. INCREASE charge to $4,000



NS 8001 Section 5 - Industries Open to Switching


NS 8001-A 05-01-24


NS 8002-A 05-01-24