Landers Outgate Outage


On Sunday, March 9, from 5:00am to 12:00pm local time, bird spikes will be installed at the ougate of our Landers Intermodal facility. As a result, between the hours of 5:00am and 9:00am local time the entire outgate will be inaccessible.  


Between the hours of 9:00am and 12:00pm local time, the AGS portal will remain inaccessible, however, the outgate kiosk will be available for drivers departing the facility.


Drivers should plan accordingly to prevent excessive outgate delays.


We encourage drivers to take advantage of our ExpressNS+™ mobile application which streamlines gate and terminal processes for our drayage community. With ExpressNS+™, drivers can verify billing, submit pre-gate information, obtain parking and pickup locations, receive electronic interchange receipts, and submit bad order information. More information on ExpressNS+™ can be found by scanning the QR code below or by visiting