At an early age, David Light fell in love with trains and never looked back. Whether riding the rails on excursions, camping out at Irondale to watch trains, or absorbing anything he could learn about railroading, Light pursued his passion and turned it into a career.,A member of the NS team for 16 years, Light operates trains throughout our Alabama Great Southern (AGS) District. His familiarity with the territory helped him capture this NS train as grain was unloaded at Koch Industries in Attalla, Alabama. “This is one of the few spots in the area that has a full loop track,” he says. “It’s an interesting shot because you can see the train appear to be chasing its own tail as it is unloading.”,It took a few tries to finally land a position with NS many years ago, Light says, but that perseverance is a point of pride. “Through the ups and downs, nothing will ever change my love for sitting in the seat, hand on the throttle, and moving these trains,” he says. “I take great pride in what I do every day and what we do as a team."


In 2023, Norfolk Southern launched two new, open-application grant programs. These programs are designed to support organizations that promote safe and sustainable operations, develop the local work force, and build strong, resilient communities in the 22 states where Norfolk Southern operates.


Applications for the Thriving Communities and Safety First Grants during the 2024 program year will be accepted April 15  through October 1, 2024.
Applications will reopen April 2025 for these programs. All other grant programs do not have a deadline to apply.

Promoting Safety

Safety First Grant

The Safety First Grant Program is designed to promote overall community safety across Norfolk Southern’s 22-state network. This program is intended to support organizations that directly provide safety services or operate programs that promote safe behavior.

Norfolk Southern values its relationship with first responders and established the Safety- First program, in part, to recognize and support such groups.

Group of Volunteers

Promoting Sustainability

Thriving Communities Grant

The Thriving Communities Grant Program is designed to promote sustainability initiatives, workforce development programs, and community resiliency efforts across Norfolk Southern’s 22-state network.

Thriving Community Grant


Community Projects Grant

The Community Projects Grant Program is designed to support organizations interested in completing projects on Norfolk Southern property that align with our focus areas.

Community Projects Grant


In-Kind Donation Grant

The In-Kind Donation Grant Program is designed to support organizations interested in obtaining Norfolk Southern materials for projects that align with our focus areas.

In-Kind Donation Grant

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Equal Opportunities

At Norfolk Southern, diversity, equity, and inclusion is at the heart of our philanthropy. That's why, we partner with organizations that are dedicated to creating equal opportunities for all.

Diversity Grant Programs

Learn More About Corporate Giving

ESG Report

Norfolk Southern Enviromental, Social, and Governance report.

Grant Guidelines

Learn more about the grant guidelines and eligilibility requirements.

Our Focus Areas

Learn more about the our focus areas.

Grant FAQ's

Answers to some commonly asked questions.